Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Buttercream

Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Buttercream

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Test Post and Introduction

Hi everyone! I decided that I want to start a blog. I'll be talking about how to be thrifty, couponing to the extreme, tips on budgeting, freegans, etc.
I am the mother to a family of 5. I do the meal preparations and most of the cleaning and shopping.
My children are currently four-going-on-five, almost a year, and
Myself and my three children are all vegetarians and we only eat shellfish and sometimes honey.

No dairy, no eggs, no meat, no fish. I am not here to sell my beliefs on this stuff. I am sharing this information now because those are most of the products I shop for.
My husband is the opposite and eats lots of meat and very little produce (maybe twice a month?).

I also look for deals on the foods he eats or things we can all have. A lot of snacks are "accidentally vegan" so that makes it easy for us to share. Accidentally vegan just refers to those products that require no animal products to make. Like Oreos. They are made without milk or eggs. The sugar could have been processed with bone char, something that is used sometimes to filter sugar, but I don't make a big deal about it. I like to support the companies anyway.
I don't give a dye called Red #40 to my children as it has been proven to cause hyperactivity in them. I think it's working to help improve my oldest child's behavior.
We try to buy healthy, occasional organic items but we still eat junk sometimes, too.
We don't eat at most fast food restaurants but if I see anything special going on with them, I'll let you guys know.

I am hoping this will be as much of a learning process, as it is a teaching one.
I am still trying to do better with coupons and the big one: MEAL PLANNING.
It's time consuming and difficult at times but the more you do it, (the more practice you have) the more efficient you'll (and I'll) become.

I am aiming to post once a week for now. I'm not the best at keeping up with things but I am really excited about this!

I will also be reviewing products, especially vegan or gourmet ones. I will also review cleaning products (We like to use more eco-friendly ones but use conventional as well). And occasionally I will have reviews for gadgets, apps for the iPhone/iPad, cookbooks, etc.

If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to comment on that week's post, even if it's not related to that post in particular and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I hope you all enjoy this blog and I hope that it is helpful to every one that reads it.

If you'd like to request that I review your product
or whatever it is that you offer please email me at:
amandabunni at gmail dot com

Thanks for reading!

The Thrift Seeker

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